
girl's day out

i went out with farhana yesterday. obviously we went to carousel. where else right? free parking is the way to do it :) i got a new camera. yeay :) at last. a camera i can put in my bag without breaking my shoulders. oh and the guy that was attendint to us at JB-HIFI was so rude. seriously. everyone was rude yesterday. i had no choice but to get the camera from that shop because camera house didnt have the one i wanted. so that dude made us pay there and pick the camera up at another JB-HIFI. gila tertipu k. do after the camera drama, farhana went to get a few things for the new house. (which is so adorable btw.) the usual la, pillows, bed spreads, the whole works. she's such a mak cik man. seriously. hehe. she looooooves shopping for household stuff. ya la, but who doesnt right? i looove SHOPPING! period.
we got a few extras jugak, for valentines. that was fun. i still want the black flower though.

i cant seem to upload my pictures...
boo hoo. later maybe.
